What a journey around the sun! Another year, another birthday, and what a wonderful opportunity to reflect on my life. I’ve collected so many valuable lessons along the way. Here’s a list of 37 things I would tell my younger self. Perhaps some will resonate with you as well. Enjoy!

  1. Life is constant magic (remember to pay attention)
  2. Every challenge in life is an invitation to evolve
  3. Life is a series of continuously building and letting go
  4. If you don’t ask for what you want, the universe won’t know how to give it to you
  5. Always treat people as if they’re already the best version of themselves
  6. Your intuition is your greatest teacher and the source of true wisdom
  7. It’s fine to let your brain drive, but sometimes it’s faster to let the heart take over
  8. Fear is a human construct. It’s only real because you breathe life into it
  9. Play hard, play often, and play with childlike enthusiasm
  10. “Should” is the worst thing you can say to yourself
  11. You’ve got you
  12. Be kind to others, but most of all be kind to yourself
  13. You can always build again, nothing is ever lost
  14. Forgive, always forgive
  15. Everyone is worthy of love, especially the ones that challenge you the most…they need a little extra
  16. Never stop creating, it’s what brings you joy
  17. There are some people who will never understand you, and that’s totally ok. You’re not here for them, you’re here for you
  18. You’re always enough…just as you are
  19. Creating space for boredom is important
  20. Let your intuition speak to you in all the quiet moments. Don’t rush to fill it with mindless action.
  21. Spend time in nature, the world’s greatest healer
  22. Thoughtful questions are a doorway to genuine connection
  23. Be generous with your knowledge, love, and time
  24. Perfection is a not a requirement for love
  25. Allow people to flow in and out of your life. Appreciate them when they’re in your life, and send gratitude when they leave
  26. Assume that life is a game you’ve paid the ultimate price to play
  27. Remember who you are
  28. Everyone is trying their best, be compassionate
  29. Be patient, slow down, take time to pause
  30. Love is the ultimate connector
  31. You’re here to learn how to be your truest self
  32. You don’t always have to know the destination to enjoy the ride
  33. Collect the failures, because it means you’re trying
  34. When in doubt, surrender
  35. Don’t be so short-sighted about who you think you are now…because “who you are” will continue to shift, grow, and evolve
  36. There will be so many more chapters to write! Savor your current chapter and write a new one when it’s time to tell a different story
  37. Home is in the people you choose to surround yourself with

Cheers to growth, happiness, and continuing the inner journey. Sending lots of gratitude to you all.




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