Attention: Leaders, entrepreneurs, creators, conscious community…

If you are a leader of any kind, you have a responsibility to stand up for Black Lives.

To be a compassionate leader, we need to have the capacity to serve not only your own community, but a duty to positively impact the world at large

Regarding the current expression of ongoing racial injustice, systemic oppression, police brutality, racism, and Black Lives Matter…now is NOT the time for silence. 

Leadership should not be selective. It’s fully embodied. You cannot show leadership ONLY for those that look like you, only when it’s for your business, and only when it’s convenient for you. 

I understand there might be some hesitation on your end…perhaps you’re thinking:

  • What if I say the wrong thing? (if you do your research, listen with compassion to black voices, and show real action with your pure intention…it’s ok to mistakes while trying, we can course-correct, we’re not perfect…)
  • What if speaking up affects my profits? (people > profits…always)
  • What if I’m not American…is it my fight? (spoiler alert…it is! Racism is not just an American thing)
  • It’s not my fight… (if you’re any type of leader, and a human being…this IS your fight)
  • I have enough to worry about in my life (I get it, we all do…but imagine how BIPOC feel every single day?)
  • “All lives matter/we are all one human race” (yes, but this is not helpful and is considered gaslighting and right now Black lives are being threatened because of their race)
  • What can I do? (lots! SCROLL BELOW)
  • I’ll just meditate for peace…or forms of emotional bypassing (great, but it’s not enough…there is MORE you can be doing to show solidarity)


If you’ve thought any of the above, it’s ok. I understand. It’s normal for fears to come up. It’s alright for leaders to have momentary feelings of panic or coping during a crisis. BUT….

I challenge you to explore with curiosity your own feelings and reactions to this experience….do you get defensive? Do you try to avoid and turn a blind eye? Do you feel afraid? …THEN, find your strength as a LEADER and lead by example. 

IMPORTANT: If you’ve been silent or acting as if nothing is happening…I invite you to do better. Find it within yourself to take the RISK – risk making a mistake, risk going “off-brand”, risk what others will think, risk losing followers, risk feeling uncomfortable…and talk about it, share, amplify black voices, donate, peacefully protest, offer services for BIPOC.


Here are 10 practical action steps you can take

* It is by no means an exhaustive list, just my personal to-do list…but I encourage you to create your own action list. I’ve linked the resources below as well.

  1. Pay and complete courses to educate yourself led by black experts (I’m personally taking spiritual activism 101 and Unpacking White Feminity)
  2. Sign petitions (I personally check the official BLM page, but loads more to google and on
  3. Donate to organizations that still need funding (NOT Minnesota Freedom Fund, Reclaim The Block, and Black Visions Collective…they have all asked that people stop donating to them due to being fully funded) — so donate to others like BlackOutCollectiveShine Hard FamilyAssociations for Black Economic Power* thanks for the insight and suggestions Sophia Sunwoo
  4. If you’re in NY…call/email to defund the NYPD (instructions here)
  5. Peacefully protest and protect black bodies (know your rights and how to safely protest)
  6. Educate yourself through video, film, podcasts – full resources for anti-racism here
  7. Reach out to your black friends who are grieving…without expecting an answer in return. You don’t need a pat on the back. Just to let them know how much you love them, and here to listen, hold space, and are doing things already to help in the meantime. 
  8. Follow and amplify/repost the Black voices who have made it their life mission to find justice (some listed here). Consider even going radio silent this week and NOT posting your content, but reposting those of black voices.
  9. Show solidarity not only personally, but through your BUSINESS – I am allocating 10% of my earnings this month for black causes, elevating black leaders, self-education, and providing free resources for BIPOC
  10. If you work for a company, request they match any donations and keep corporations accountable (Template for employer accountability here)

For further education, action items, etc. Check out this free anti-racism resource

I hope this was helpful for you as a starting point. It’s not about doing things perfectly or doing “enough”, it’s about the commitment to trying (and risk failing). As leaders we know this….I believe we can DO BETTER.


Forever in service of justice,

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